A resolution providing for sufficient time for legislation to be read.

SRES18 Latest Action: January 9, 2025
Bill Information
  • Congress: 119
  • Type: SRES
  • Number: 18
  • Introduced: January 9, 2025
  • Sponsor: Sen. Paul, Rand [R-KY] (R-KY)

The primary purpose of this bill is to mandate a minimum time period for legislation to be available for review before the Senate can consider it. The key provision requires that at least one session day must pass for every 20 pages of the legislation, plus an additional day for any remaining pages under 20, before it can be brought up for consideration. This change aims to provide sufficient time for Senators to read and understand the contents of bills, resolutions, and other measures before voting on them. The implications are increased transparency and opportunity for scrutiny of proposed legislation. The specific area affected is the legislative process within the Senate.

Simple Explanation

The primary purpose of this bill is to mandate a minimum time period for legislation to be available for review before the Senate can consider it. The key provision requires that at least one session day must pass for every 20 pages of the legislation, plus an additional day for any remaining pages under 20, before it can be brought up for consideration. This change aims to provide sufficient time for Senators to read and understand the contents of bills, resolutions, and other measures before voting on them. The implications are increased transparency and opportunity for scrutiny of proposed legislation. The specific area affected is the legislative process within the Senate.
